Cheryl Van Atta – President

Cheryl joined the board in 2021, and her eldest daughter was a part of the Girlchoir during the past four years while her youngest daughter has been part of the Girlchoir since she was in 2nd grade. Cheryl looks forward to all the fun events the choir will be a part of to make this a memorable year.
Diana Alexander – Vice President

I have been involved with Girlchoir since 2010 when my granddaughter became a member. I joined the board in 2015 after a fun choir trip to Nashville, Tennessee. I enjoy baking and supply the muffins on Saturday rehearsals.
April Limberg- Treasurer
Biography to Come!
Jessica Ingvalson – Recording Secretary

Jessica Graduated from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota with a degree in Music Performance and a Masters of Instruction, and she is currently a music educator at Northside Elementary in La Crosse. Jessica was member of the Girlchoir for seven years, beginning when she was in 4th grade, and she is excited to a part of the organization once again, now as a board member.
Shannon Brown – Business Director

Shannon joined the La Crosse Girlchoir as the Business Director in 2022. She is also a teacher in the La Crescent area. She is a supporter of the arts and looks forward to being a part of the organization!